Below is a small selection of the genuine e-mails, comments and letters received. We thank the correspondents for their feedback as we continue to develop and enhance the shows year on year.
"It's an honour to come back year after year and present my collections on the runway at Top Model. Everything is always so professional and well organised and the shows are always of the highest standard". Omar Mansoor (International Designer)
"Top Model literally changed my life. It helped me build my confidence and taught me to believe in myself, and inspred me to write my first novel, 'Never Mind My Thigh Gap'. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! xx". Bronte Huskinson, Author and former finalist.
"I am in Vogue. VOGUE!! Thank you Top Model!!" Sorcha (2015 Main title award winner)
"One minute I'm in Maths class... the next I'm on the runway at London Fashion Week! I can't thank you enough Geoff Cox and Top Model. I'm still pinching myself. Is this all a dream?" Rheanna, (2016 finalist and award winner)
"Just wanted to take a minute to say a huge thank you to Top Model as without them we wouldn't be getting signed by agencies today! So happy". Jessica & Maxine (Finalists)
"I took part in the UK commercial final on the Friday of the finals weekend. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everyone involved... Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get that far. When I entered I honestly was just being a bit brave and never even expected a reply! Thank you for all the hard work you all put in...". Kirsty (Finalist)
"Congratulations on a fantastic show". Robert (Guest)
"I just wanted to say thanks again for giving me the opportunity and the platform of Top Model UK. This week has been fantastic and i've had my first campaign shown in the UK, Italy, France, Australia, New Zealand and Asia! xx" . Elaine (Finalist)
"Just wanted to say a big thank you for the fantastic experience of being a finalist at Top Model. It has been a dream to be coached on the runway, to learn how to pose and then have the chance to catwalk at such a prestigious event in the Hilton hotel. Special thanks to Geoff Cox for your advice on the catwalk itself during coaching, to Nicola for squeezing our hands before our walks, the designers for our beautiful dresses, the make up and hair girls for making us look gorgeous, and thanks to the entire Top Model team for all the effort and hard work". Karen (Finalist)
"Hello, just wanted to say a massive thank you to Geoff and the team for an amazing opportunity and wonderful night. I had such a great time throughout the whole process so thanks!". Natalie (Finalist)
"It's changed my life. I can't thank you enough". Ricky (Finalist)
"I would like to thank you for choosing me as a Grand Finalist for the Commercial category as honestly, this has been the most amazing experience. I've learnt so much from the competition... It has built up my confidence massively as a model, from the feedback right through to the runway coaching in which I will be sure to take on board... I feel this experience has helped me improve as a model as well as an individual". Beth (Finalist)
"I want to do it again! I can't believe it's over!" Sarah (Finalist)
"I would like to thank you and all your team for having me at Top Model UK. It was a pleasure to work with you. I was impressed by the great organisation and a well done show!". Eva Grygo (Designer)
"This is just a quick email to say thank you to all the staff there at Top Model for all your help and support over the past months and especially over this last weekend. Susanne was full of praise for the way you all were so encouraging and supportive. As this was her first real runway show, it was brilliant that she was able to feel so confident and we are really proud... Thank you for a fabulous experience for my daughter". Susanne (Finalists Parent)
"I wasn't sure exactly what to expect as I've been to a number of competitions and fashion shows previously but as soon as I entered the room I knew Top Model was going to be on a different level to anything I had been involved in previously. Many congratulations on a great shows and a great event overall!" Jim Haider (Italian menswear label Senior Sales Executive)
"I would just like to say thank you very much for the opportunity at helping out at the Top Model finals, I had a thoroughly great time and I'm sure everyone else did too. Please stay in touch and if you ever need any help or assistance again don't hesitate to contact me". Angelica (Backstage Assistant)
"Thank you so much for Friday, it was a great night and an amazing oppurtunity and it has made me want to be in the industry even more! …and the after party was so fun!". Jess (Finalist)
"I just wanted to thank you all so much for an amazing weekend, it was truely the most amazing experience of my life. Every one from the top model crew was so helpfull and made us feel great about ourselves. I feel so happy that i won an award, it has boosted my confidence up so much!". Yasemin (Finalist)
"Thank you for such an amazing experience over the past few months enjoyed it so much and it has definitely helped me gain confidence, I feel like a different person. I feel so lucky to have had the amazing opportunity to be part of the show and work along side everyone. I felt like a winner on the night for just being able walk out in front of everybody with confidence, because if somebody had said to me a year ago that is what I would have been doing I would have ran a mile haha. Thanks again, so grateful for the opportunity. Natalie (Finalist)
"I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for choosing me to take part in the men's finals at Top Model and the hard work you all have done to make Top Model UK very successful show". Dreni (Finalist)
"Thank you so much for the experience of my life, to everyone from Top Model team!!!". Kamila (Finalist)
"Just a quick email to say thank you so much for having me in the top model commercial final. I loved every minute of it was amazing it was a pleasure to be part of the show. Also will you give Danielle a big thank you from me for calming me down before going on". SueLyn (Finalist)
"Last nights show was incredible! I felt like a professional model and to be able to achieve all this at this age was fantastic! I hope you enjoyed it just as much as us finalist girls did, my parents for sure loved it... I received some fantastic feedback, and would just like to thank you and the whole team for putting on a wonderful show". Nicole (Finalist)
"I had such a FANTASTIC time on Sunday for the Natural Beauty show, it was so well organised and beautifully put together! The hair and makeup team were amazing, they made everyone look even more beautiful (if thats possible) so a big thankyou to them! Thankyou so much Top Model UK for letting me be a part of that wonderful experience and even though i didn't win anything i still thoroughly enjoyed myself!!". Leah (Finalist)
"I just wanted to say thank you for such a brilliant night. The coaching I received with my walk helped immensely so thank you so much... the backstage crew worked so hard in keeping everything running smoothly". Courtnie (Finalist)
"Just a quick note to say a 'great big thank you' to all of the TM team for a truly amazing show! We all had a fantastic time, the show was very professional and entertaining! Kelly had a great time, made some new friends and gained even more experience. We are just sad it's all over and we are missing London already!". Lisa (Finalists Parent)
"Just wanted to say we all had a fantastic weekend at the final, want to do it all again. Thought Eve looked fantastic and very professional. Well done and thanks to you and all your team". Lynne (Guest)
"Helen had a fab time last night and didn't stop talking for ages about it on the train home! Thanks again for giving Helen the chance to be in the final. She has got so much from it and is even more determined to succeed. Top Model has looked after all the girls so well and is run very professionally. I wish they were all like that, but we learn. Maureen (Guest)
"I just wanted to say that you all did such a fantastic job at the show. it was an amazing night, one that i will never forget. You were all so kind and made me fell very proud to be one of the finalists, and i really hope this can move on to bigger and better things for me". Sammy-Jo (Finalist)
"Sorry its late in coming but just wanted to thank you and everyone for given me that great opportunity to be part of TMUK. Was fantastic. Just hate the low after such a high. Thank you sooooooooooo very much again. Can't wait to see all the photos!". Jollene (Finalist)
"What an amazing weekend it was, thankyou so much for giving me the opportunity to walk on the runway at the topmodel finals, I had an absolutely brilliant experience and although I didn't win any awards I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it". Esther (Finalist)
"I just wanted to say thank you! It’s been such an experience working with you and the girls and I LOVED it. The whole night blew me away and it’s a credit to you guys to put the whole idea into a wonderful night. Everyone was so nice and wonderful. Geoff and Amy, the designers, the make-up artists and hair dressers, Dani and Colin, the beautiful girls and everyone backstage just made the whole process so special. Lots and lots of love". Alice (Finalist)
"I had such an amazing time and loved every minute of Saturday from start to finish! Everyone was so friendly and nice and I am keeping in touch with several of the other girls which is lovely. Really enjoyed working with you all... as you promised, it was really professional and I was so happy to be a part of it". Sarah (Finalist)
"I was obviously the best and should have won. The judges were idiots!". Anonymous (Finalist) - There's always one!